Records grouped incorrectly - 10/4/19 Markus determined phone numbers no longer a validation piece Olympus uses, so the error occurs for another reason 9.30.2019
Examples of known grouped records: Helene Jacobs/ John Bigler; Martyn Bone; Oliver Richter; Jens Schultheiss
As of 9.9.2021, I don't think this is an issue anymore, but not certain. - CC
Web Site
Mobile site is completely unsuable to retrieve issues owned/ view account details etc. on subscriber account page
Subscribers need the ability to update shipping AND billing addresses 5.28.2015
SODN/ CODE Presents offers creating duplicate records and subscriptions despite having emails/ addresses/ phone numbers for existing people
Ex: Robert Neal and his 8+ SODN accounts created and/ or Sanjay Kumar and his 15+ records and Raymond Bondi and his 12+ records; Fred Hendrix and his 35+ records As of 1.2.2024 - Fred Hendrix STILL a problem and creating, on average, 5 new records each time he registers for an event.
Shrink white space on Magazine page and move Articles in This Issue higher up and shows without needing to scroll. Make scroll bar more noticeable
Olympus needs to identify emails that have been registered/ stop creating “empty” accounts on subscribers that affect their ability to log in properly or retrieve passwords 9.29.2019
As of 9.9.2021, I don't think this is an issue anymore, but not certain. (Pretty sure Yeager ‘purged’ all empty accounts a while back) - CC
Probably Fixed
Olympus has several records where the subscriber name is saved as an email, but cannot be search the name field items. Ex: [Markus] I guess this one got fixed. Are there other examples I can use for testing? Other example:
High Priority Items
Subscriber data entry field for prison inmate on New Contact entry - currently have to create a new record. Save, reopen and add inmate #
Easier way to ensure someone gets a newsletter without having to enter them in Olympus and create an account for them - Tammy's advertisers need to get the sponsor newsletter but aren't despite existing in Olympus
I know we want to give people digital access to issues even if their subscription expires, but we need a different way to do it. Never expiring subscriptions is problematic, creates duplicates, continues to send renewal notices to people, etc. There should be no subscription older than January 2023 that is even considered ‘active’
International locations with consistent charging errors (Hong Kong, India for example) tell the subscriber their card was not accepted but charges them anyway and does not setup a subscription in Olympus resulting in refunds and the need to renew subscriptions manually.
Renewing a subscription doesn't always extend the existing subscription. Often creates a new subscription and the person continues to receive renewal notices
Difficult for subscribers to find issues they own as their account and the magazine drop down menu are not at all tied
Olympus needs to detect if an offer code has been previously used for a subscription and deny further use 10.5.2015
Example: Stone River Learning subscribers just creating new subs with SRL code again and again; not paying for renewal. Should be able to detect if a code has been used and deny future use
Per Markus 10.31.2019: I think this is now handled through our coupon system, right?
CC: 10.31.2019 No - this is different from coupons; these are for referal codes, ex: FBTrial, SRL, HTF19
Markus 12/27/2020: This is now handled by highlighting duplicate codes in a different color in the offer code grid in the subscription offer edit form.
*CC 5.10.2021 - not what I mean. Subscribers shouldn't be able to claim offer codes multiple times unless we want it to be a perpetual offer. Not that we shouldn't be able to set up offers with the same names. Ex: Corona offer
Need an option to remove people FULLY from all email contact. No new issue notifications, no renewal notices, nothing (except password resets). Currently only option is to add them to DNS list (and that I know of, DNS list cannot be accessed or edited if someone changes their mind or are added accidentally)
From Ellen: “people who have all the Email Subscriptions unchecked, still get the email newsletter”
New examples as of 8/25/2022: Niels Johansson - (key: 2a35fbc7-80d6-47fb-88bf-d78de036ac19) all notification preferences already unchecked. STILL receiving event emails. Only current work around is adding him to the DNS list)
Subscribers need the ability to give gift subscriptions 5.28.2015
Subscribers need the ability to automatically purchase and download past digital issues 5.28.2015
Subscribers need the ability to upgrade/ alter subscription without creating new one 5.28.2015
If customer has print subscription and later wishes to add a digital subscription (or vice versa), need way for them to do that without creating separate subscription.
Olympus needs more in-depth subscription history - when a subscription was converted to digital-only, etc. - for both subscriber view and internal view. Many people aren't understanding why their expired print sub shows as digital-only in their account.
If a subscriber opts to change the format of their existing sub, Olympus should not overwrite exsiting access to digital issues (Email chain about Nick Skriloff) 9.7.2021
Subscribers need the ability to pay unpaid subscription invoices online/ unpaid invoices still generate fulfilled subscriptions 5.28.2019
Eddison King, for example. One paid invoice, one unpaid but fulfillment history shows he's gotten 2 copies the whole time.
Per Markus 10.31.2019: "If they have 2 subscriptions, they will get two magazines. The invoice status does not (and should not) change that."
Colleen asks: 10.31.2019 then we need a way to ensure faulty invoices/ unpaid subscriptions aren't fulfilled in order to ensure the magazine remains profitable. 'Cause that's just a waste of money. He only actually paid to receive one copy, but with the unpaid invoice - he got two copies for the price of one.
We don't do the bill me later option any longer; however, sometimes when a customer tries to subscribe and the card is declined, the invoice shows up and remains unpaid on their account. This would be more though, something that would go hand-in-hand with allowing them to upgrade their subscription without having to contact us. For example, I had a guy that wanted to upgrade to a combo subscription. I entered the digital subscription to his account so I wouldn't forget and it generates an unpaid invoice. He saw the unpaid invoice on his account and thought he could pay it without calling me, but he can't. At the current moment, all upgrade subscriptions must be done manually and we have to be contacted with payment
When a subscriber renews an existing subscription but changes the format (i.e., had digital-only, now opts for print-only) they lose all access to the old digital issues they paid for as Olympus now only sees the subscription as print. Subscribers should be able to access their old issues regardless of if they opt for a different format of receipt. Ex: Bonnie DeWitt 2.14.2022
Subscribers would like the ability to log in/ pay with PayPal 5.28.2015
If we opt to allow this, a notice/ disclaimer needs to state that the subscirber is responsible for the additional PayPal fees and have those fees calculated/ shown at checkout
Some companies can only pay with third party payment portals/ checks take too long to come from Europe/ bank transfers aren't easily checkable (only Ellen can see them). Others don't want to give out their CC information anymore. Would be nice to allow people to pay with PayPal
Web Site
After a subscriber logs in, website should take them directly to their page.
Account Self-Service Maintenance
Subscribers need the ability to change their email address 5.28.2015
Subscribers need the ability to update their name 5.28.2015
Allow subscribers to re-subscribe to individual email notifications 5.10.2021
Allow subscribers to unsubscribe from individual email lists - not just the option to unsubscribe from all. **CC 5.10.2021 - not done. The SUBSCRIBER cannot make these selections yet
Allow subscribers to opt out of renewal notices **CC 5.10.2021 - not done. The SUBSCRIBER cannot make these selections yet
Olympus needs to differentiate between free and paid training/ event emails; subscribers need to the option to opt in or out of both 4.22.2024
Easier/ more intuitive route for subscribers to update address 5.28.2015
Before Medusa - they have to log in, go to My CODE > My Magazines (which is mid page, not top - most people don't scroll that far) > Subscriptions (the actual link says “Click here for a list of your magazine subscriptions”) and at the very bottom of that page it will ask if you need your magazine shipped to a different address.
Allow subscriber to pick USPS formatted address or keep what they entered 5.28.2015 - if they choose USPS verified address it cuts back on our postage costs (minimally, but still saves us)
When a customer enters an address, it should show them what USPS suggests as the properly formatted address and allow them to pick that new address as what is entered or keep what they have. If they select what they have, there should be a notice that says using a non-USPS approved address could result in failure of delivery of their magazine
All articles need dates. Anything not assigned to an issue (like book excertps) currently have NO way of knowing when it was published as a reader. “Published in” is just a blank book and takes you to all ‘book excerpts’ that remain without dates.
Should have a “last technical update” flag on articles.
Corona offer creating duplicate subs on records - consistent problem with over 200 instances now
As of 9.9.2021, I don't think this is an issue anymore, but not certain. - CC
Banners in Olympus: image changes aren't saved. Must recreate banner with new artwork. Can't delete unused banners.
Need a flag to keep from assigning subscriptions from events to people who don't want them/ we don't want to send to
Find Duplicates needs option to clear out names, move to other names on list. Currently loads highest amount of suspected duplicate records. Hitting refresh drops the current name you were working on somewhere down in the list but may still have records to merge
Current layout for merging duplicate records makes it a bit difficult to know which record you're working on once you have merged a few records
Ability to edit DNS list in the event someone was added by mistake or changes their mind on contact (or like how Tammy accidentally added herself to DNS and Markus had to reverse the change)
Temp passwords with special characters will not let people access their account (see email with Kevin McNeish 9.7.2021) - possible timeout issue?
Known address errors: 1.10.2017
Alabama state not saved to record on new subscription
Example: Jennifer Morris; Darryl Newman
Address has to be corrected for delivery purposes but a good place to start troubleshooting
Canadian addresses being saved incorrectly as Cambodia
Examples: Patrick Lok; Giovan Gentile; Walter Hoban; Dominic Morin
Obviously Canadian addresses because of the Zip and Province
Olympus creating/ allowing subs without states in the address.
Examples: Richard Brown, Tulsa; Stephen Hicks, Hooksett, Lawrence Gajdos, Belmont
Probably Fixed
Foreign addresses still getting saved as Alabama, US addresses. 8.20.2019 (As of 9.9.2021 - I don't think this is an issue anymore - CC)
Ex: Abhishek Pathak - subscribed with India address - Olympus saved it as Alabama, US
Medium Priority Items
Job Title field not saved when entering new contact. Have to edit name after entry and reenter information
Reinstate search duplicate SUBSCRIPTIONS
Find duplicate NAMES should let you search by address/ other criteria than just first and last name**
Olympus will not save conjuctive last names - it creates a middle and last name instead.** Ex: Mathias Vander Stock - Olympus saves as Mathias-Vander-Stock when it ought to save as Mathias-Vander Stock 7.20.2022
Under training events, need column with ‘has been run?’ ‘yes/no’ and ‘date completed’ column to indicate if subscriptions were assigned to events and on what date and by whom 7.7.2021
Olympus still assigning subscriptions for events to those who already have existing subscriptions (email text says for new subscribers only)* - [Markus] I do not think this really is (still?) an issue. There is a checkbox on the interface (checked by default) to exclude active subscribers, and I checked the code, which seems to be doing the right thing (exclude people with any active subscriptions). CC 9.6.2024; yes, still an issue
Need a better way to view subscription dates in Olympus. Show a “backdated to”, “started/ subscribed”, “expires”, “buffer to” dates**
Subscribers should see when their sub expired. What buffer dates we added/ when we converted their sub to digital-only. And a way for them to opt out of the extension/ conversion altogether.
Olympus doesn't show then that they had a print and it was converted to digital-only. The history doesn't reveal when that happens. Olympus ought to show their old ‘dead’ print sub and the extended digital sub we gave them as a separate thing.
When looking at subscription history, need a way to tell if a sub was print or digital 1.22.2021
If a sub is renewed, need to be able to clearly see when the previous sub should have/ would have expired.
Ex: Leonard Tunstall (6af9179d-880c-44b9-9ab7-d1419071ea8e) - digital sub placed 10/2019. Renewed to a print-only sub on 1/2021. Expiration date in his record still shows 10/2020 instead of Jan 2022 as a full 12 months sub would be
Would be nice for people with coupon codes to renew with their email renewal link and type in the code to receive their discount. Ex: Bonnie Dewitt - MVP. Renewal link sends her to resubscribe for a price, but obviously she can just use the MVP code again. However, currently, she has to begin a new subscription instead of renewing her existing MVP subscription in order to receive it for free. 2.14.2022
MERGE SEARCH - different from the regular search 5.28.2015
Ability to pick multiple records to merge/ delete at once. Merge interface is difficult to use (can't tell which record you are on). 5.28.2015
Ex: merge or delete all asdfsa records at once
Proper/ complete invoices 8.24.2016; fixed well enough 11/10.2020
Other popular requests to have reflected on invoice:
Per Markus: 10.31.2019 I think some of this would be handled if we had a PDF version of an invoice. I think some of this is not right though. BIC/IBAN for instance would be if we wanted companies to transfer money into our bank account, but we do not use a BIC/IBAN system. There is no value added tax on our end, so that isn't the case either. I guess some companies may need a tax ID as part of their address, but I don't think this is a legal requirement anywyere. They will probably want to see our tax ID, which would be part of a PDF invoice.
*CC: 10.31.2019 a PDF invoice would be AH-MAZING! And yes, any information we can include to make the invoice seem more complete would be good. I have to go back and enter our info and the subscribers company info or whatever quite often.
Company/ umbrella records 6.23.2016
Ability for customer to have multiple issues mailed to different delivery addresses, staff and/ or ability for company record to send copies to various office locations
Example: Ellen Caron - tech lead for multiple elementary schools - has two records because a single subscription with multiple copies can't be sent to different addresses; creating a second susbcription with a different address puts her in the duplicates review that gets deleted every week
Would be nice to have a UI for inserting advanced hyperlinks into markdown, using a tags rather than just the automatic markdown link we currently support. - [Markus] I think this already works. Just put in an a link HTML-style.
There is standard markdown syntax to insert links.
Would be nice to have the ‘copy email body’ function available under ‘email notifications’ for new issues.
Low Priority Items
Need UI/ field to enter inmate number when INITIALLY adding/ creating a contact
After uploading photo to author record, cannot delete photo from computer until you close Olympus
Would be nice to assign certain issues to people with toggle buttons or something instead of having to manually finagle subscription dates to give access to past issues or extend subscriptions
Customer Inquiries - would be nice to have indication of when something has been assigned to you
Subscription confirmation email lists start and end dates as MM/DD/YYYY which is confusing to European subscribers. If possible, have date pull month and date. Ex: 03/11/2022 would instead show March 11, 2022. 4.13.2022
Would be nice to have scroll bar in subscriber record to see other tabs (currently, must press >> multiple times - can't hold it down - to get to Author, Account & Comments tabs) 2.28.2022
Need a way to charge credit cards with CVC through Olympus for magazine renewals. Subscription import template only has space for check numbers 9.5.2020
Currently must send all credit card information to Ellen (which isn't secure) and she must charge, but then no invoice/ record of payment is left on the account
Subscribers would like RSS for articles 7.7.2021
Olympus should show date subscription was actually placed in subscription window (not the buffer date) - should not have to drill into subscription record to find date placed. 11.24.2020
Have toggle option on showing phone numbers and emails of employees and contractors on the website. - [Markus] But we have that “show online” toggle, which does exactly that. CC 9.6.2024 but it doesn't let you select which email or phone to show. Ex: M Yeager's email shows eprsonal email, not his email
Currently, in order to avoid showing personal phone numbers and emails, you have to delete that information from their record altogether. Not ideal. (Ex: Mike Yeager)
Verbiage that subscriptions START at $29.99 for US subscriptions and additional fees for foreign subscriptions needs to be more prominent
Wait time for first issue – this is still a HUGE bone with customers. “I subscribed July 1, why I haven't I gotten the July issue?!” Because you missed our mailing list that we ran in June… doesn't sit well with a lot of folks. Then they ask if they're still guaranteed 6 issues which they are but that isn't clear because we mention nothing about our “expiration buffer” anywhere
Processing date on subscriptions should not show the subscriber the date lists were run. Should show date files printed and then advise 3-6 weeks for delivery AFTER that date
Subscribers should see if they missed the current issue or not based on subscription date.
Ex: Mailing lists were generated 8/16. If I go to subscribe on 8/20, I should see a large notice that I have missed the current issue and that the next issue will be my first print issue
Website to list details about our refund/ cancellation policy (or lack thereof). (I.e. X amount of issues received and you don't get a refund or can't cancel.)
Some sort of notice about non-delivery magazines and requesting replacement issues. I get folks all the time “I never got x issue” which was more than 7 months ago and we/ Mail Group don't have the extra print stock to send them. “Any issues related to missing or damaged magazines must be reported within a reasonable timeframe” etc.
What's our standard policy there? Refund? Extend? Tough cookies should have let us know sooner? I usually extend the subscription but we're talking a lot of international folks here. Costs us to send the first time, costs us to send the replacement and when that still doesn't show up, they want a full refund which I agree they should get unless we state it otherwise
Whatever our stance is on “misdelivered” magazines. I.e., the subscriber provided an invalid address/ did not give a valid address at all/ didn't update their address in time for the next issue. We delivered as instructed - what's the policy on an error we did not create? (ex:
As we have a LOT of incarcerated readers, a notice somewhere that we are not responsible for replacing issues or extending subscriptions if the publication is rejected/ denied/ returned/ destroyed by the warden/ publication review board of the correctional facility.
Olympus should automatically generate and email invoices to customers after registering for a class or subscribing to the magazine 5.28.2015
Remove the need for entering mailing address if subscriber picks “digital only” option 6.12.2017
Would cut back on false info entered by subscribers and later cut back on orphaned address issues
Per Markus 10.31.2019: This is something we discussed when we did the Microsoft deal. I wonder if we really want to do this. Between not being able to send emails to subscribers and not having their address, I guestion why we would give such a person a subscription.
CC: 10.31.2019 We have their email, it's a required field, along with the address being a required field which is what is causing the stink - they don't necessarily want to give us their physical mailing address if they are only optin to receive a digital copy of the magazine
Per Markus 12.04.2019: That may be the case, but they are getting a free subscription and we want someting of value in return. If we do not get any of their information, our motivation to give them a free subscription goes away.
Would be nice to see an ‘Events’ tab listing events/ training subscriber has registered for/ attended within their subscription record - grouped to record with email used to register for event 5.20.2021
Would be nice to have a way to see which subscribers were terminated after running renewals (similar to the exception report Olympus already generates) 6.8.2021
Current mailing address for subcriber not displayed as primary address when searching in Olympus/ don't show inactive addresses. Currently, you must open a record to see alternate mailing addresses. *CC 5/6/2021 - I want the current address to be the top. Regardless of the view. It would be nice not to open a record to see the CURRENT mailing address.
Per Markus 5/6/2021 - add inactive flag to addresses and hide in detailed view
ORIGINAL REQUEST: Need to be able to delete unused/ old addresses in Olympus as inactive and hide from customer if possible (customers don't want us holding on to old mailing info that they can see on their account pages) - so some sort of toggle option to hide old info from subscribers 6.12.2020
Should unify the button labeling for all email interfaces so it is clearer which button launches the email generation UI, vs what triggers actual email senidng. There should probably also be an “are you sure” messagebox whenever the user clicks something that triggers a large email batch going out.
Would also be nice to have a way to cancel/ pause and delete an email batch that was generated by accident or should be cancelled for correction of text, etc.
Would be nice to have a way through the UI to “nudge” an email batch that stopped processing (but this needs to be done safely in order to not overload and crash the system)
Would be nice to get a better visual (color) for email batches that are being processed
Would be nice to see who (which user) queued an email batch
Changing author photos still a cache issue for updating on the website - [Markus] Is this still true? Seems our caching features should be handling this now.
Purchase order creation - 8.24.2016
Allow users to fill out a purchase order form to turn over to their accounting office so that they can subscribe without us having to create different faux invoices. A lot of government or large corporation subscribers need preapproval from their accounting department to make a subscription purchase; would be nice if they could fill out a form/ template that populates pricing based on what subscription they want
Would be nice if you could click into more things. Ex: under email batches, or emails sent from events, clicking on an old email would ideally show the email that went out. Under ‘search duplicate names’ would be really awesome if clicking on a name opened that record instead of having to go back and search for them 3.1.2022
Tammy's Requests
Tammy wants more banner spaces to sell 5.28.2015
Tammy wants pre-sorted mailing lists 5.28.2015
Tammy wants the entire magazine available to subscribers with ads included 5.28.2015
Tammy: 6.23.2015 - It isn't that intuitive to get to that. If you just click on the new release, it is the same article listing that it has been. You have to know to go into "My CODE' under your name after you have logged in to get the options that are available to you. Is there some way we could have something that directs them to that process. It would be better for advertising if that was visually easy to get to and open.
ellen: I think this is done now
Tammy: 7.26.2016 - no - still just shows article listings
Tammy: 10.31.2019 Discussed at meeting w/ J/M/E/T. Tammy requested print ads from magazine issues be included within the articles and/or posted on the site.
Tammy: "Advertisers are not getting enough exposure on the site. It was then discussed that we have a long standing problem with general banner ads running properly.
Action - Ellen to ping Rick who has worked with this on his site successfully. Jim to look for website professional that can guide to the best plan of action for ads.
Once external ads are solved and running correctly, we will revisit posting advertisements within the site.
Markus, 12.04.2019: OK, let's take a step back here. Print ads, as the name implies, are print ads. They cannot just be shown in the web site. If we want print advertisers get exposure on the web site, then we need them to create some sort of banner ads. We can discuss new formats there perhaps, but it's not possible to just show a page of print advertisement on the page. Just think about it! What would that even look like?!? And even if we found a way to make it look OK, it's just not technically possible. Online ads are just different.
When I go in to add another issue to an advertiser, sometimes it just adds 2 or 3 instead of one and then I have to go back and un assign the extras. 5.28.2015
Production - Better way for Melanie to identify the correct author record 5.28.2015 - if she could see the Job Title field, would be very helpful.
Problem with Olympus generating production schedule: Under ‘Magazine Issues’, a new issue is added by clicking on ‘New Magazine Issue’. The general information and newsstand on sale date are entered manually.
Once that info is saved, you click on ‘generate schedule’ and Olympus creates all ‘other dates’. The logic for Olympus was created a long time ago and needs to be revisited. It is generally off by anywhere from 1 – 3 weeks. Currently and for quite some time, I have been correcting the schedule manually. This has a huge error for mistakes and takes a lot of time. If I could see the logic used to create the schedule 8.17.2023
Iain's Requests
Allow input of discount codes for training 5.28.2015
Training - make them pick either on-site or on-line 5.28.2015
ellen: They shouldn't be able to pick “undecided”?
Iain: I would think no. For attendance (not remote only training) we need to know whether they will be onsite or online. They can contact us if this changes but we need solid head counts
Olympus > CUSTOM SOFTWARE> Events> List of Events: Ability to search by Name, Location, Region, or Date/ ability to organize alphabetically 10.1.2015
General Requests
List terms/ prices/ forms of payment accepted for subscriptions on website 9.18.2019
There isn't any information about subscription prices and duration, how many issues we publish per year, the audience we target, places you can find the magazine on retails shelves and more items than I can't think of right now. Yes, the menu does have a link to the subscribe page but that's about it in terms of informing new potential subscribers. The current landing page represents the current issue's content. It does NOT represent the magazine in general as it probably should.
Completed items
More a website issue: If a subscriber has an active subscription and is logged in, they should NOT see the ‘subscribe to CODE Magazine’ message on the magazine page. Causes incredible confusion
Advanced search by address does not work properly - cannot search street names, etc. *works when selecting “Contains” 6.21.2023
Would be nice to be able to copy addresses from the record without going in to edit the address
Support copy and paste from grid rows 6.12.2020
When entering an initial for a first name, Olympus turns it into a prefix title - ex: D Wayne turns into Dr. Wayne and the first name field is blank. Thus far, only way to correct is to mess with the punctuation and hope adding a . to the first name tricks Olympus into importing/ filing properly
70,000+ bunk records with addresses: 96 Redesdale Rd Woodland, VIC 69979 AUSTRALIA; 1874 Jim Rosa Lane San Francisco, CA 94182 UNITED STATES; 250 Rt XXXX Airmont, NY 12844 UNITED STATES - no subscriptions, questionable emails. Need easy way to group all simultaneously and delete or run a query to remove. 1.2.2024 Simon solved with cleanup
Customer Inquiries - error thrown when you run out of inquiries assigned to you 7.25.2022 - 1.2.2024 no longer seems to be an issue - CC
Subscription import does not work properly with foreign/ international addresses. Ex: Dina Sesiunina - imported 8/19/2020 - record created with proper Russian address but subscription not generated. Second import provided subscription but then created a blank (and un-deleteable) United States address. 8.19.20201.2.2024 not really an issue anymore since we don't have to use the import sheet - CC
Ability to add/ renew subscription from within a record without bulk import
Subscription entry forces you to select an option under an offer. Impossible to have all options set up for various offers and demands price overrides often, so import sheet becomes necessary. I.E. Distributors need combo options, print, digital-only, etc. Option to send internationally.
Ability to enter single record without bulk import (especially important for adding new authors) - [Markus] Adding people is now possible. But Adding new subscriptions is still on the list.
Notes on records not moved/ copied when records are merged. See *Somehow resolved through other coding updates 6.21.2023
CVC help link text is too large on mobile subscription page. Subscribers cannot easily enter CVC field information 8.12.2021
Need a “load more results” option when searching for names with more than 100 results. Ex: Searching first name Juan (because sometimes the multi-names aren't split correctly into first, last and middle), yields 720 results. I would like to see more than the first 100. 2.28.2022
Adding an address to a subscriber, states are not in alphabetical order in the dropdown menu and cannot be sorted 6.28.2021
Website should list terms of subscription (only 6 issues per year)
Website needs to make it clear that all charges are in USD
MERGE SEARCH - different from the regular search 5.28.2015
Merge Search – needs to have ALL the same features/ abilities at the regular search screen
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Email, Phone, Web,…
Invoice Numbers
Merged records can't pull invoice information from database, customers can't access invoices on website 9.28.2015 (As of 9.9.2021 - I don't think this is an issue anymore - CC)
CC 10.17.2019 - the error on this particular record has been fixed but is a good starting point for troubleshooting the issue.
ellen: We need to do some additional testing to figure out exactly when it happens. I suspect it happens when you are on a record and merge in another record WITH an invoice. (It's not just from deleting addresses like I first thought).
CC: Michael Allen -; records were merged, Olympus throws error when attempting to look at invoice. Error transfers to website and user is unable to see invoice details
Olympus throws error when selecting ‘Get PDF Version’ for invoices on accounts 9.2.2020; fixed 11/10.2020 CC 5.11.2021 - not fixed. Still getting error. Use Hagit Revacha as example. ME - 7/16.2021 it's def. fixed now.
Merging Records - fixed 6/22/2021
Abililty to delete a record (not just delete junk info and merge it to some other empty record) and a definitive process on data erasure 4.25.2019 - fixed 6/18/2021
Renewal notification footer text needs to alter the line “once you either renew your subscription or once the subscription has expired.” Since these subs are well expired because of Medusa and others have already renewed, the footer text is misleading and does warrant a spam flag for some fixed
Ability to sort subscription offers, referal codes, etc. alphabetically without error
Changing author photos in Olympus does not reflect photo changes on website. Record has to be recreated and merged to have new photo show - fixed 4/30/21
Fix calendar in Olympus; doesn't always use expiration date of current subscription when altered/ renewal time frame should start at date of renewal, not based on expiration of previous subscription 9.28.2015
A subscription that expired 2/9/16 but was renewed on 3/1/17 should run from 3/1/17 - 3/1/18; not 2/9/16 - 2/9/17. Renewing subscription doesn't reflect correct term in years in database or in subscription info window for SOME customers
Example: George Stevens. When I renewed him (default offer) instead of 24 months, it only showed 12. I went into the subscription to alter the calendar and it started all the way back to 2008 – so I had to up the months to 108 to get the correct expiration date.
Markus 12/27/2020: I guess I need to dig into these specifics, but to provide some extra information: Check out the docs on the subscription process. The setting of the date and the term actually is a somewhat involved process and it depends on when exactly they subscribe. For instance, it makes no sense to take a subscriber that has technically been expired for 14 months, to renew at the original exporation date (since the new subscription woudl already be expired also). However, if the subscription expires in 2 months, it will get renewed from the current expiration date on. And so forth. There's a whole set of rules the system follows.
Running renewals - fixed 3.29.2021
Need the automatic reply link Simon mentioned to renewal emails so that automatic replies do not come into the box and hurt our spam rating - fixed in April 2021
Fix download link errors for latest issue/ security loophole on production site 8.24.2018; fixed 9.7.2018
Resetting password manually no longer works properly to give susbcribers access 9.27.2019; fixed 11.20.2019
Per Markus 10.31.2019: I guess we need to look at how passwords are being reset. I think this is not an issue as such, but with our newer, more secure password mechanism, this may not work at all anymore.10.31.2019
Per Markus 11.5.2019: our MicroService discussion the other day. The Olympus Windows app is not participating in our MicroService architecture (because it is an old pre-service Windows app). And because of that, it does not automatically get the benefit of updated key components, such as our security infrastructure.
Not have to backdate subscriptions to give person access to current digital subscription/ instant gratification for digital subscribers 6.23.2015; fixed 4.13.2019
Fix credit card charging system 8.10.2018; fixed 5.13.2019
Inquiry reCAPTCHA to curb spam emails 9.28.2015; fixed 9.10.2018
Can't merge records with Olympus throwing an error 9.28.2015; fixed 10.18.2015
Subscribers need ability to download invoice as a PDF; fixed 11.10.2020
Proper/ complete invoices 8.24.2016; fixed well enough 11/10.2020
Invoice should show:
Ending digits of credit card or check number used in the purchase; fixed 11/10.2020
Subscriber's company name and address; fixed 11/10.2020
CODE's company name and address; fixed 11/10.2020
Search functions: 5.28.2015
Ability to search by ANY word in the company name, not just the first one.
Example: Currently, if I wanted to find the Continental Kennel Club's subscription, can find Continental Kennel Club by typing in ‘Continental’ and scrolling; but can't search by just ‘Kennel’ or ‘Club’
Ability to search by phone number without formatting needed
Example: phone number should be searchable regardless of format (832)717-4445; 8327174445; 832.717.4445; 832-717-4445 or whatever combination.
Olympus should save phone numbers in a standard format
Note: Olympus now saves both the original version of a phone number and also a “canonicalized” version that removes all special characters and spaces. Note that this does NOT add things like the country code.
Ability to search on address (or at least street name & #)
Have some indication of “no results found” instead of blank screen that makes you think Olympus froze
Need credit card verification/ security so we can allow foreign charges through without charging manually 1.17.2017; fixed 5.13.2019
Correctly formatted foreign addresses/ USPS verification of address 6.23.2016
Per Markus 10.31.2019: International addresses can't be verified. So we need to take this off the list as “no action”. 10.31.2019
Olympus update on 11.8.2020 now loses functions: auto cursor entry into “first name” field under contact control center; hitting enter no longer initiates a search. Must press ‘search’ in Olympus to generate results 11.9.2020 fixed 11.10.2020
Copying a GUID from a record copies: “Key: 51718c9f-8a61-435a-9ca8-f07bc857cbd5” - please don't have it copy Key: - a pain to paste and edit values in the instances they are used 11.3.2020
Entering new author information/ bio, photo, etc.: Not have to tab off fields in Olympus to get data to save/ remove need to Save; Save & Close 9.9.2020 fixed 10.05.2020
Not have to reselect mailing and billing addresses from dropdown menu to ensure linkage to subscription when entering a subscription manually 5.28.2015; no longer an issue with new Olympus 11/10.2020
Have search fields highlight when the field is entered into so existing entry info can be typed over without backspacing 5.28.2015 fixed
Allow alternate forms of social media connection - Linkedin, specifically 8.16.2016
Per Markus 10.31.2019: Not sure what this is exactly. We can store a lot of different types of social media information. I am not sure if there is much of an interface to this though, admittedly. Didn’t we have this in Hercules? FYI: Here are the different types of social media information we support: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Windows Live, Xing, FLickr, YouTube, Google, Yahoo, GitHub, Instagram, WordPress, Pinterest, Snapchat, Medium, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tumblr, ProductHunt, Etsy, Vine, Vimeo, Blogger, Reddit, Behance, Dribbble, Vsco, Foursquare, Yelo, FivehundredPx, Kickstarter, Strava, Fitbit, Goodreads, Quora, Vk, Wikipedia, Imdb, AngelList, Weibo, AboutMe.
CC: 10.31.2019: this is a subscriber wanting the ability to link his Linkedin account to his codemag account. Much like if you go someplace and opt to use the Facebook login extension thingy instead of creating a new username and password. If we have that capability already, then yes, the interface for it should be made more apparent
Records with Google+ listed as an email throw errors and cannot be opened or edited 4.25.2019
PUBLISHING BUSINESS> CONTACTS: File As option defaults to email address as name; will not show record when name is searched as it is saved as an email 9.26.2016; fixed 10.17.2019
Tammy wants the ability to create digital subscription fulfillments through Olympus (currently Ellen does this manually) 8.26.2016
Ability to add GTM link to confirmation email (if we know the event date ahead of time, we could easily set this up in GTM early so we don't immediately get “how do I access this?” emails 5.28.2015fixed 9.8.2021
Add time, date, and location to event confirmation email customer should receive after registering for a class
Making NO changes to a record still prompts you to save changes when closing the record 6.12.2020fixed 9.1.2022
Removing an email address or other contact information requires your to select ‘No’ on saving changes and reentering the record before changes are made. Answering ‘yes’ to save changes throws an error. 4.10.2021fixed 9.1.2022
When entering an address, tabbing through fields skips the ‘State’ field and you must go back and click the dropdown menu 6.12.2020fixed 9.1.2022
After merging records, clicking ‘Save & Close’ too quickly throws an error fixed 9.1.2022
Having to select ‘no’ to saving changes when addresses are merged/ removed fixed 9.1.2022
Merging records asks for a ‘save’ three different times and then the status window stays open. If successful, the window should close. If an error, that's when it should stay open fixed 9.1.2022