The Applications table can be accessed from the left hand navigation menu.
- Switches the table between Active Positions mode and All Positions mode.
- In Active Positions mode, the table only displays applications for active positions. The position filter is a dropdown menu that lists only active positions.
- In All Positions mode, the table displays all applications. The position filter is a search box for position titles. The table will automatically search for and return applications for the position as you type.
- The start of the date range for application submission dates. If left empty, the table will return applications from as early as the earliest submission date.
- The end of the date range for application submission dates. If left empty, the table will return applications through today's date.
- A search box for applicant names. The table will automatically search for and return applications for the applicant name as you type.
- Clicking on an application record will bring you to the Application window.
- The table will only display the number of records you request on each page. You can scroll through pages of records using the arrows.
Note: Look for future updates of Mytikas that include adding new applications.