Edit Articles

Finding Articles

To edit an article, it has to be opened for editing, which can be done in a variety of ways in Olympus. For one, there is the “Article Control Center”, which can be used to find articles using a variety of criteria, from finding articles via a full-text search, to listing articles by authors or issue, and others.

Dobule-click the article you would like to edit to open the article edit form (detail form). (See below)

Articles can be searched in a variety of ways:

Note the feature to Force-Sync Article and Author Files. This can be used to trigger manual sync of potentially outdated article images and author photos to Azure. This impacts the display of these images on the web site, mobile app, and other places. (Note that there sometimes may be a short delay before those images show up in various places, as some systems employ caching mechanisms for performance reasons. But this detay should only be a few minutes… usually no more than 5 or 10 minutes).

All article lists in Olympus (which can appear on various other screens as well) have a similar list of columns, which include the following:

The following screen shot shows a list of articles that are mostly lacking defined accent colors, except for articles with quick IDs 2312021 and 2312041.

Articles in Issues

Another option to see a list of articles is through the “Magazine and Issue Control Center”, which allows opening an issue of the magazine, which has a tab for the articles within the issue. Once again, articles can be edited by double-clicking them there:

Articles in Magazines

In special cases, articles can be associated directly with an entire magazine/publication. This is the case then the publication is a “sequential” (meaning that the articles are published chronologically rather than associated with a specific issue of a print magazine… newsletters are good examples of sequential publications). In that case, the magazine edit form itself has an Articles tag in which all the articles are shown, and new articles can be added to the issue from there (this is the only place where an article can be added to a magazine directly).

Editing Article Detail

The article edit form is the one place where just about any information about the article can be edited, including infomration about the article, abstracts, the actual content, and file attachments.


The general tab shows general information about the article.

This includes the following fields:

The article edit form features the following toolbar buttons:

Markdown content

This is the main article content. All our article systems now use the markdown version of an article to display the article (such as on the web or in mobile aps).

Note that the tab indicates whether the markdown is present or not. If markdown has been generated and stored away, there well gbe a Yes indicator next to the tab name. If there was no markdown, but legacy XML article content is available (see below), the system auto-generates it on the fly from the XML content. In that case, it will say New instead.

The markdown follows standard markdown rules. There are a few things to point out however:

Markdown content is usually generated by importing articles from Word documents (see below).


This tab shows all article file attachments. These are only for interal use and include files such as the actual Word document with the original content the author submitted. It may also include ZIP files with downloadable content. Often, it also has a ZIP file with the article images separated out. (Although we now usually extract the article images directly from the Word document during XML import - see above)

Attachments can be opened right from this UI (by double-clicking an attachment). Right-clicking an attachment reveals further options, such as editing the category or description, saving a local copy of a file (which is particularily useful for Word documents that need to be imported into XML - see above), or adding additional files.

Attachments can usually also be edited from this screen. For instance, double-clicking a Word document will open it in Word, by first downloading and placing the file into the temporary files folder on the local machine, then opening Word, and if the user edits and saves the document, Olympus observes the save operation of the temporary local file, and uploads it back into our attaachment system, thus creating the experience for the user of editing the attachment directly.

Attached files can be just about anything and of any category. However, there are some categories and sub-categories that have special meaning for the system:

XML Content (legacy)

THIS IS A LEGACY FEATURE - Use markdown content only. Since this is a legacy feature, it is only available to users with Admin rights.

Like the markdown tab, the XML tab indicates whether XML content has been imported by showing Yes in the tab header:

If the XML has not been imported, it can be manually imported from a Word Document (*.docx file). THIS IS A LEGACY FEATURE THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED ANYMORE. USE MARKDOWN IMPORT INSTEAD!

Note: If you do not have the Word document, it is likely attached to the article in the attachments. Save it from there and then import it. This generates the XML. Save the form and close it. Then, re-open it to force the auto-generation of the markdown content from the XML. All markdown is generated from the XML rather than directly from the Word document.

The XML content is legacy and only used to generate markdown from it. It is possible to manually edit the XML, but it is a much more complex format than the markdown version, so it is not recommended to edit the XML directly.

Article Images (legacy)

THIS IS A LEGACY FEATURE - Use Attachments instead (see above). Since this is a legacy feature, it is only available to users with Admin rights.

This tab shows all the images used by the article content. The number of images is shown in the tab header. Article images are automatically imported from the Word document when the XML is generated (see above). All article images can be referenced by name from the XML and markdown content (the system knows how to link them correctly).