Clockwork Wish List
- HIGHEST PRIORITY: Invoicing report should only pull submitted tickets. Unsubmitted tickets should be omitted.
- UI to add/ edit expected hours for CW invoicing/ ticket reminder report per contractor/ employee
- Checking ‘active’ next to tasks in projects does not always save your selection and tasks cannot be seen
- Admin shouldn't have to add all projects to their ‘view’ in order to run date range reports by project.
- I (Markus) think it would be better if line heights in the ticket display (the main grid) would be a little less than it currently is, so when one has a lot of tickets (or also on mobile devices) one can see a bit more.
- It would be nice if the app worked a bit better with mobile devices. It's not horrible, but it is not great either. (In part, it would be nice to make this better just as a general exercise to make sure our Angular/Vue apps work well on mobile)
- The app often seems to come up just a little too wide (at least on my iPhone X) so things like the login screen need to be scrolled horizontally to tap buttons and such.
- The list of days across the top is awkward to use at best (and sometimes even causes odd graphical overlaps of elements)
- Drop-down lists do not work like regular drop-downs in iOS, which makes them strange and awkward to use
- The tooltips always pop up at the wrong place, so they are always in the way of the next field one wants to tap into.
- When creating a new ticket make the start/end time be current time (within user's time increment)
- Add hot-key for time, e.g., press “N” for Now.
- Add hot-keys for date manipulation, e.g., “-” to go back a day, “+” to go forward. Or arrow keys.
- Add a fast way to save the current ticket and continue editing. Occasionally a certain Dell laptop crashes and loses my work.
- Ability for contractors and employees to edit dates of SUBMITTED tickets (LOTS of tickets entered incorrectly) CC added 10.19.2016
- For security, could just give ADMIN the ability to adjust the tickets dates
- NOTE: Code change only allows administrators to edit submitted tickets
- Redo the Projects page. It is confusing to look through dozens of options, check a box, then have to find the save button.
- Make new design have dynamic resizing.
- Add wishlist, change log, and docs links.
- Add Active flag to Area/Task (similar to current Project Active flag) to allow users to “hide” Area/Task that should no longer be billed.
- EEW/X42 HIGH - Ability to edit existing tickets (eventually needs to be role based for permission - employee or manager)
- EEW/X42 HIGH - Create a professional PDF (or Excel) backup report to send directly to customers
- EEW/X42 - Ability to assign employees to companies (initially EPS vs X42). This would limit data each could see.
- EEW/X42 Ability for Managers to add new tickets for people
- EEW/X42 Create Roles and Assign Managers to Employees
- EEW/X42 Managers can see their employee's tickets and approve them
- EEW/X42 Some changes/additions to Invoicing workflow. Be able to see a list of clients who have time billed in a specified time period, mark which ones you want to invoice. It creates a backup report and also the PDF backups to send to clients
- EEW/X42 Ability to have it pop up an email window with the backup report attached and standard body text. Can add/change and attach other files (like invoices) before sending.
- SJF Change the Trash icon to Visibility icon. Rename tooltip from “projectDelete” to “Hide Project”