Hades Wish List
Listed by most recent
- Would be nice to see a chart that shows everone and how many hours they worked per week in the selected time span. So essentially the same as weekly project stats graphs, but the hours for all all projects combined and summed up (per person). This way, it would be easy to see across the board who is overburdened or doesn't have enough work. (Note: As we add more and more people, this may be a huge chart, so we may ultimately want to think of a different way to visualize that. But for a start, bar-charts and line-charts are fine. )
- Hades should also show how many hours per project we expect to spend, so we can easily see which projects is consuming more resources than planned, or doesn't have enough resources assigned. Let's discuss this.
- Once we store more information for each project, it would be nice to be able to bring up basic info about a project in the actuals. Sometimes, I (Markus) find myself wondering what a certain project is. So a brief description what a project is about, who our contact is, and a few other things like that (let's brainstorm), would be very helpful.
- Implement comparative analysis for reports between two Projects.
- Implement comparative analysis for reports between two People.
- Add a graph showing one line per person, and weeks going across the bottom.
- When viewing a line with a person's name and hours (in the tree), I'd like to see the date of their most recent ticket (on any project) or the number of days since their most recent ticket between those 2 values. It helps us know if the person is behind on entering tickets and may still have a lot of outstanding hours. This value would not be dependant on the date range set.
- In the 3rd level of the tree (leaf nodes), I'd like clicking on the node to allow me to view the ticket details underlying that node.
- It appears only billable hours are shown. It would be very helpful if there was a toggle to show all hours or only billable hours.
- Mobile View
- Project Actuals
- Project Reports
- Desktop View
- Project Actuals
- Project Reports
- Mobile View
- It would be great if the hours values (numbers) could be in a larger font. It's one of the 3 most important pieces of information on screen. (project, person, hours)
- Others may disagree, but I find the landing page useless. I would rather it went straight to the projects list. [MY]
- It would be nice to see more stats, ideally in a graphic fashion, but also in a way where we can export data to Excel
- I would like to see hours per person (per week, per month, year to date,...). This should be a horizontal bar chart in addition to the raw data.
- I would like to see hours per project
- I would like to see hours per project and area
- Note: There could be lots of those. Maybe we need to discuss how we can make this as flexible as possible. This could even be a dashboard of sorts.
- Would be nice if it was more obvious to see what time period is selected (in all screens where that matters). For instance, I would like to see intuitively that I am looking at “the last 2 weeks”, “July 2019”, or “year-to-date” (and so on) rather than just a date range. Note: Everything Hades displays is very specific to the date range. The numbers all become meaningless when the date range is unclear.
- I would also like to be able to pick some presets, like “last 2 weeks” , “last month”, “first quarter”, “fiscal year”, “year to date” and so on.
- Would be nice to format numbers a bit more sophisticated. Instead of 12345.2, I would like to see 12,345.20. And instead of 10, I would like to see 10.00 to keep everytihng consistent and evenly aligned.
- I think it would be nice if the first screen in Hades was a dashboard of sorts, that shows some key information about the projects that are going on. (Like number of projects, hours spent,...)
- In the actuals, it woudl be nice if each segment of the screen (like projects/areas/people) can scroll independently. For instance, if the list of projects gets very long (needs to scroll), and you pick something form the bottom of the list, one can't see that new areas are displayed in the middle pane, because that is scrolled out the top.
- Calendar provides feedback when typed date is incorrect (not in a format it will understand)
- Calendar can be typed without spacer (only checking with format YYYYMMDD)
- Calendar allows for spacers ‘/’ and '-'.
- Calendar as individual component.
- Typable calendar.
- We should then have a menu that links us to more detail. The first item in that menu would be “Project Actuals”, which is essentially what we see now.
- The most important future item to add is “Project Prediction” which will show what to expect for resource needs in the future.
- I (Markus) would like to see the white area in the middle of the screen (the “data”) to use up the entire available area. It should look more like Mytikas (or many other apps) than just a “document” in the middle of the screen that doesn't use up the entire available real estate.
- It would be nice if the entire display was more like a tree (which is what this essentially is).
- The tree should be expansible/collapsible. It could potentially have multiple columns for more detail. Each tree node should total the items below it to easily see totals.
- The tree could than have different views:
- Projects/Person/Areas (we already have that essentially. It's just a matter of reformatting it.)
- Person/Projects/Areas (we have that as well but not formatted as a tree)
- Projects/Areas/Person (this is new and would be very interesting as we could see more easily how much was spent on things like development, meetings,… for a specific project)
- Mobile view for new TreeView.
- Create Documentation.
- Add wishlist, change log, and docs links.
- Fix for zoomed.
- Mobile compatible.
- Move options to the top of the page.
- Mobile view for Reports.
- Graphical analysis in Pie chart, bar Graph and Line form.
- Export Project stats, People stats data to Excel.
- Export Project stats - Area and people wise, People stats - Area and project wise to Excel.
- Make sure the area on the screen we use for the actual graphs is as large as possible.
- When we have a y-axis, it would be nice to somehow have better labels. This is just hours 0-40 spent in the selected timeframe (which I think is a month here). It would be nice if that was more intuitive.
- Easily toggle between weekly and overall reports.
- What kinds of graphs are the most useful? Scenarios like:
- Comparative weekly graphical representation for the time used by a project.
- Comparative weekly graphical representation for the time used by a person.
- The thing that is really useful for me is a further breakdown. For instance, I want to see how a person's time evolved. For instance, I would like to see how much time Jeff Etter spent on the Bridgestone project per week. And I would like to compare all the people that worked on the Bridgestone project. So you can imagine the above bar graph, but one bar for each week left to right and then also for each person working on it.
- Mobile view for weekly reports.
- Menu to contain link to the documentation.
- Add controls to go back to ‘all Projects’ and ‘All People’ stats anytime.