Classifying Tickets
Holiday: There are seven (7) standard CODE holidays. These dates should be logged under the Holiday Area in your Project.
- New Year's Day (January 1)
- Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
- Independence Day (July 4)
- Labor Day (first Monday in September)
- Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November)
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas (December 25)
Client Holiday: Time off given by project managers beyond the standard CODE holidays.
- Could include, but not limited to: early release on holiday eves, holidays outside standard CODE holidays (Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Columbus Day, etc.), office closures due to natural disasters
Floating Holiday: a paid day off offered as a substitution for a public holiday.
- Some staff with unusual work schedules/ shift work may be asked by their project managers to work on a holiday. In this instance, your project manager and you should reach an agreement on when your holiday will be taken.
- Floating holiday time cannot be split, i.e. you may not take 5 hours one day and 3 hours another.