Creating a Ticket

By default after logging on you will be taken to the Ticket list page. Here you will see Add at the top right. Click on Add to create a new ticket.


  1. Ticket start date, required. This is in the format Month/Date/Year. Clicking the calendar icon will open a date picker.
  2. Start time, required. It can be in 24 hour format (HH:MM) or AM/PM format (06:30 AM).
  3. Confirm the End Date is correct.

Note: the End Date will automatically populate to the same date as the Start Date selected.

  1. End time, required. It can be in 24 hour format (HH:MM) or AM/PM format (06:30 AM).

Tip: Using the up/down arrow will increment the time fields in 15 minute intervals.

  1. Description, required. Free form entry for description of the ticket. Note that the customer can see this description, so please keep it professional.
  2. Project, required. Select from the list of projects.
  3. Area, optional. Some projects have areas established. Commonly areas like “Meeting” or “Development” are established. Select one if it is appropriate for the current ticket.
  4. Task, optional. Some projects have tasks established. Select one if it is appropriate for the current ticket.
  5. Work Item Number, optional. For projects associated with a TFS server the “Work Item Number” field will show. If the employee has a Personal Access Token (PAT) for that TFS server Clockwork will integrate ticket times with TFS Work Items. See the section “TFS Integration” for more details.
  6. Internal Note, optional. Free form entry for description. Visible only to User and EPS Admin.
  7. Cancel. Discards ticket entry and returns to ticket list.
  8. Delete. Available when editing an existing ticket.
  9. Save & New. Saves current ticket and creates a new blank ticket beginning at the End Time of the previous ticket.
  10. Save. Saves current ticket and returns to ticket list.