Event Service

This service is used to handle EPS events, such as conferences, user groups, and training.

C# Service Access Example using CODE Framework

Using CODE Framework service call infrastructure, this service can be called from the client like so:

ServiceClient.Call<IEventService>(s => {
    List<EventInformation> events = s.GetEvents(new EventsFilter();

This requires the following settings to be set in the application configuration file (such as App.config or Web.config):

<add key="ServiceBaseUrl" value="www.epsservices.net"/>
<add key="ServiceProtocol" value="NetTcp"/>
<add key="ServiceBasePath:IEventService" value="Events"/>
<add key="ServicePort:IEventService" value="45020"/>
<add key="ServiceMessageSize:IEventService" value="Large"/>

This also requires adding a reference to the .NET Contract Assembly (see below).

Note: This is an older service that does not follow all the latest service standards. For instance, the GetEvents() operation returns a List rather than a GetEventsResponse object. However, the overall paradigm is reasonably close to all our latest standards.


Format Download/Definition URL Full Framework .NET Core .NET Standard
WSDL http://www.epsservices.net/events/IEventsService/basic/wsdl n/a n/a n/a
.NET Contract Assembly \\svc1\contracts\EPS.Thessaly.Events.ServiceContracts.zip Y N N
In Process Host Components \\svc1\contracts\EPS.Thessaly.Events.ServiceImplementation.zip Y N N

Exposed Services


Protocol Port Uri Base URL Base Path
NetTcp 45020 net.tcp://www.epsservices.net/events/IEventsService www.epsservices.net events
BasicHttp 80 http://www.epsservices.net/events/IEventsService/basic www.epsservices.net events
REST XML 80 http://www.epsservices.net/events/IEventsService/rest/xml www.epsservices.net events
REST JSON 80 http://www.epsservices.net/events/IEventsService/rest/json www.epsservices.net events

Service Ports for TCP/IP (NetTcp) Service Endpoints

Interface NetTcp Port
IEventService 45020
– reserved for future use – 45021
– reserved for future use – 45022
– reserved for future use – 45023
– reserved for future use – 45024
– reserved for future use – 45025
– reserved for future use – 45026
– reserved for future use – 45027
– reserved for future use – 45028
– reserved for future use – 45029


This service is part of the Events solution of the Thessaly Services folder.


To re-deploy a new version of this service, follow these steps:

  1. Rebuild the Events solution in Release configuration.
    1. Verify that the configuration settings in app.config of the EventServiceWindowsService project are set properly (BaseUri = www.epsservices.net, and database:Server = SQL01).
  2. Use the Installer Service Client Application to deploy the service to the server
  3. Publish the service contracts and service implementation so other people can call the service
    1. ZIP the contents of the solution\EventServiceContracts\Bin\Release folder into EPS.Thessaly.Events.ServiceContracts.zip and copy it to \\svc1\contracts
    2. ZIP the contents of the solution\EventServiceWindowsService\Bin\Release folder into EPS.Thessaly.Events.ServiceImplementation.zip and copy it to \\svc1\contracts